Cian Ducrot is set to cement his rising star status with the news that his eagerly anticipated debut album ‘Victory’ will be released on July 21st and is now available to pre-order / pre-save HERE. The Irish singer-songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist has seen his recent singles – ‘I’ll Be Waiting’ and the Gold-certified ‘All For You’ – fly into the Top 20 of the Official Singles Chart and exceed 300 million streams to date. He has also hit Spotify’s global Top 200, aided by a wider international impact which has included two Top 10 singles in Ireland, Top 20 hits in Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway.
Confirmation of the release of ‘Victory’ comes as Cian’s current single ‘Part of Me’ is making a powerful connection with fans. ‘Part of Me’ is Cian’s heartfelt tribute to his best friend Phily who ended his own life, reflecting on those shared moments that define a friendship – memories that will never be forgotten. And Cian is making new memories in honour of late friend, notably with a stunning flash mob performance. Cian falls to the floor apparently stricken, but soon bursts into song – and onlookers are awestruck as he’s joined by a previously hidden 30-piece orchestra as well as a choir who had been waiting nearby.
‘Part of Me’ provides an insight into the soul-bearing vulnerability and supreme songcraft that Cian Ducrot demonstrates throughout the ‘Victory’ album. For Cian, it represents the culmination of a lifelong dream. But even more significantly, it represents a triumph in the face of insurmountable odds in which his mother’s selfless bravery, determination and support changed his future for the better. 

Cian says, “To begin to understand the album there’s a lot you need to know about my life, where I came from, how I was raised, and the kind of kid I was. A broken home at an early age is where the story really began, my mom, my brother and I became a team and music was our saviour. It saved us mentally and spiritually but it also allowed my mom to literally put food on the table.
From a young age I was different, always stood out, always got picked on and bullied but most of the time it didn’t really bother me as I knew being different was ok. I was never interested in following the crowd. This pattern continued throughout my entire life and continues to this day. My dad was very abusive growing up both physically and sexually, my mother fought extremely hard to protect my brother and I, and to get us away from him. It wasn’t easy, it seemed like everything required years of fighting and perseverance. I have my mom to thank for the person I am today.
When I dropped out of college to pursue being a songwriter, when not one person believed in me, I reflected on our past and everything my mom managed to do as a single mother to raise my brother and I in a country that didn’t welcome her as a foreigner and in a system that was extremely patriarchal. I remember asking her, ‘How did you do it? How did you find the strength when you had no money and two kids to take care of? When a judge said, ‘Isn’t that what husbands do to their wives?’ after you telling him in court he was raping you? After your own kids told you their father was sexually abusing them and after you were left alone without a clue how to survive? How did you do it?’
My mom replied simply, ‘I had no choice so I figured it out.’ Never had I heard more inspiring words in my life. I carry those with me today everywhere I go. No matter how hard the road became and how much I had to fight to be heard, I never gave up. I believed in myself every single step of the way because I had a dream and what’s worth fighting for.
This album represents that victory, the victory of self-belief, the victory of everyone around me who I love and who loved me back, the story of my brother, of my mother, of my grandparents, of my friends, and everyone who fought by our side every step of the way, the victory of love and the victory of never giving up. This album is for all of those people, my family and friends, you know who you are, we made it out alive and more. This is for us.”

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