Sam Fischer has shared his new project Homework alongside two new singles Ready and People I Don’t Know. The tracks make up the EP alongside previously released songs The UsualEverybody’s Got SomebodyI Got To Live and of course, This City.

Always wearing his heart on his sleeve and with sincerity in both his lyrics and conversations, new project Homework is a cathartic body of work, which acknowledges the moments in life that Sam has struggled to deal with and how these situations have changed him for the better. Through each of the six songs, he takes the listener through each situation with him in a relatable, personable and emotive journey. Sam says;

“I’m so stoked for Homework to be out. Since releasing This City and seeing the way my own vulnerability became an outlet for my fans, I’ve spent the better part of the last 4 years writing as honestly and opening as I could, and that became Homework. It’s the study of myself, moments that have defined my life and stories that will hopefully give words to your own.”

After releasing a song from the project every two weeks for the last month, Sam completes the release with new singles Ready and People I Don’t Know. Raw and emotive, Ready is an honest letter Sam wrote to himself and it’s an anthemic ballad in the making. People I Don’t Know is about being mindful of others, as you never knowing what anyone other than yourself is going through. Sam says; 

“I wrote ‘Ready’ as if I was staring at myself in the mirror and asking when I was going to be ready to accept myself for who I am. It’s not been the easiest couple of years, getting dropped felt like a bad break up and it hurt like hell. It took a long time to get to where I am now mentally and emotionally. ‘Ready’ is the message to myself to say it’s all in my head and no one’s going to love me the way I can love me if I let myself.”

“‘People I Don’t Know’ – I talk crap about people I don’t know and I’m sure people talk crap about me too but neither of us know it. I caught myself talking crap and I really didn’t like how it felt. I don’t know what anyone else is going through and honestly, we’re probably all going through the same stuff, so by talking crap about someone else I’m projecting my own fears and insecurities on them. I talk crap about other people to make myself not feel as far behind others. ‘People I Don’t Know’ is a simple honest human truth and I’m sure I’m not alone in it.”





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