Frankie Beetlestone announces details of the Ignorance Is Bliss EP and share new single ‘Something To Say’. The singer songwriter’s new EP will be released on August 9th via Distiller Records. Featuring five tracks, including ‘Something To Say’, it crackles with the energy and excitement of an artist about to make his big breakthrough.

The propulsive grooves, wiry riffs and yearning vocals of ‘Something To Say’ sees the charismatic 23 year old trying to replicate the elation of falling in love in song. Frankie picks up the story, “I wanted to write a song about two people from different worlds who immediately hit it off. A “meet cute” song if you will (pardon me while I throw up all over my iPhone as I write that). In all honesty, at that time I was waking up and listening to “Common People” by Pulp every day. I think if I had a gun to my head I’d say that’s the best pop song ever written. The lyrics just hit different. I’d seen Jarvis Cocker say that story was (semi) true so when it came writing “Something To Say” I thought I better tell a true story as well.

It’s about how me and my girlfriend met through a mutual friend who sadly passed away. He created a beautiful clothing brand, of which his parents (and now all his friends) have decided to continue working on using all his original designs. She walked in the bar at a celebration for his birthday and we caught eyes instantly. We speak about him all the time, and it truly feels like he brought us together.”

The Ignorance Is Bliss EP is the beginning of an exhilarating new phase for Frankie Beetlestone who relocated from his hometown of Sheffield to London last year. It captures a transformative time for the singer songwriter, juggling two jobs with nocturnal sessions in the studio, the resulting songs reflecting themes of survival, self-discovery and determination.

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