22 year old songstress RoZe shares her delicately raw debut single ‘Hollow’. The track comes alongside a sensitive music video, depicting RoZe’s troubled upbringing. Listen Here.

Laced with a rich piano hook set against the hypnotic sounds of RoZe’s spine tingling vocals, the singer-songwriter’s debut single is an open book into the life she once lived. Complete with harmonic echos, orchestral harps and string sections, ‘Hollow’ is an incredibly poignant first single, but one that most certainly won’t go under the radar.

On her first single, RoZe says, “I wrote this song about how it felt growing up with an abusive dad and in a toxic household. I wrote it right after I ran away from home to always have something to listen to when I forget how empty and rejected I felt. I want to create awareness around “abuse” (mostly childhood focused) and comfort others who are/have been in a similar situation.”

The accompanying music video captures the juxtaposition of how RoZe’s situation appeared from the outside world, compared to the harsh internal reality. RoZe is posing for a picture and smiling with her father in the opening shot, creating a perceived image of happiness and normality. As she starts to sing, the cracks in the relationship start to appear and the interchange quickly shifts from one of innocence to one of discomfort, with her father’s mannerisms becoming increasingly aggressive. “No one ever knew what was really going on inside my house,” she explains. “It’s about how something can look brighter from the outside than it actually is on the inside. For others it always looked like I was the happy positive kid but I was dying on the inside.”.

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